Accept major credit cards? Perhaps you never thought of yourself as a sophisticated entrepreneur with the business savvy to utilize this type of payment. After all, aren't credit cards for big-name corporations who do not want to be bothered with the daily mundane deposits of cash and checks? Not anymore! Now even home-based or small business owners can get approved for a merchant account that will let them get paid by customers' credit cards. The process isn't that difficult, so there's no reason why you shouldn't cash in on this exciting possibility for growing your business.
If you want to start handling electronic transactions for your business, including orders and being able to accept major credit cards, you will need to open a merchant account. This is a special business arrangement with a bank or another lender that provides underwriting support for your company. By setting up a gateway to transmit customers' credit payments through the lender for clearance and then to your account for deposit, a merchant account saves you time and money in collecting bad checks or taking monthly payments on an account. A merchant services account lets you accept credit card payments instead of handling only cash or checks. Imagine how your profits will escalate when customers are offered the opportunity to purchase things by credit card? Research shows that credit card users typically spend more than those who pay with cash or check.
To accept major credit cards, get a good deal with your merchant services account. Check the terms to be sure you get low rates and fees. Then decide on the best way to collect credit card payments. You may want to install a credit card processor at your place of business for on-site transactions. Or you may prefer to install a phone system that lets customers use credit card payments to order by that method. Website credit card payment is another possibility. You can survey your customers or do a little marketing research to find out what they might prefer. If one system doesn't work, you can always backtrack and try something else. The main idea is to expand payment options for clients so they will appreciate the convenience of shopping with your company. If you make it easy for them to look around and to pay by credit, they are likely to return and perhaps bring other customers with them.
Most people use credit cards for one type of purchase or another, from gasoline to groceries or something in between. The cash and check system, while still in use, may not be around forever since so many business transactions are being conducted in cyberspace. Even if you prefer doing business the old-fashioned way, your customers may not. Failing to provide credit card acceptance may turn your customers away, and they will find another vendor who accepts credit payments, costing you their share of revenues. Ask a merchant account provider for details on how to get set up so you, too, can accept major credit cards.
About the Author: Shane Penrod is the founder of Specializing in allowing merchants the ability to shop and compare multiple quotes from national merchant account providers. For free quotes on merchant account rates and fees, please go to